The Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology aims to provide prompt and effective diagnosis and treatment of Obstetric and Gynaecological problems. We aim to treat every female patient in our care with sensitivity and compassion, maintaining confidentiality at all times. The department uses professional expertise to provide a high standard of individualized care.
[/cws-widget][/col][/cws-row][cws-row cols=2 id=”cols2″][col span=6][cws-widget type=text title=””]Facilities:
- Labor and Delivery, Painless delivery
- High risk pregnancy
- General Gynaecology
- Gynaecologic Endoscopy- Laparoscopy, (TLH,LAVH,MYOMECTOMY OVRIAN DRILLNG AND Cysts)
- Gynaecologic Cancer Surgery
- Urogynaecology
- Infertility Services
- Couple Counseling, Ovulation Induction, IUI.
- Adolescent health services
- Gynecologic Endocrinology
- Antenatal classes
- Fully equipped labor and delivery rooms
Special clinics
- Chronic Pelvic Pain Clinic
- PCOS Clinic
- Menopause Clinic

Doctor examining a pregnant woman
Salient Features
- The Department is routinely handling all kinds of Gynaecologic and Obstetric Emergencies. Elective Surgical procedures are carried out for all Gynaecologic/Obstetric conditions. Patient management is modulated by the latest guidelines and is done by the relevant multidisciplinary team.
- CME on Laparoscopic Gynecologic Oncology in Sep 2015.
- Live workshop on Laparoscopic Gynecologic in July 2014.